
Home/Rachel Skully

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So far Rachel Skully has created 43 blog entries.

Parish Clerk Vacancy

2023-07-28T14:07:15+00:00July 28, 2023|

APPOINTMENT OF CLERK AND RESPONSIBLE FINANCIAL OFFICER Salary relative to experience in accordance with Local Authority Scale LC2 pro-rata - Part-time (18 hours per week) If you have a genuine interest in helping our forward thinking and energetic Council develop and deliver timely, quality, and innovative services to the local [...]


2023-07-27T09:58:42+00:00July 27, 2023|

Parish of Water Orton NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that due to the resignation of Felicitas Freeman and Kay Hailstone, vacancies have arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council. If by 16 August, 2023 (14 days excluding Dies Non, after the date of this notice) a request for [...]

Agenda Full Council Meeting 27th July 2023

2023-07-20T20:17:55+00:00July 20, 2023|

NOTICE OF A MEETING OF WATER ORTON PARISH COUNCIL  To be held at the Pavilion, Openfield Croft, at 7:00pm on Thursday 27th July 2023  Members of the public and the press are welcome to attend. You are invited to attend a meeting of Water Orton Parish Council to be held [...]

Notice of Vacancy

2023-07-05T08:39:33+00:00July 5, 2023|

NOTICE OF VACANCY IN OFFICE OF COUNCILLOR Parish of Water Orton NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that due to the resignation of Phillip Robinson, a vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council. If by 25 July, 2023 (14 days excluding Dies Non, after the date of [...]

Agenda Full Council Meeting 29th June 2023

2023-06-23T19:11:21+00:00June 23, 2023|

NOTICE OF A MEETING OF WATER ORTON PARISH COUNCIL To be held at the Pavilion, Openfield Croft, at 7:00pm on Thursday 29th June 2023 Members of the public and the press are welcome to attend. You are invited to attend a meeting of Water Orton Parish Council to be held [...]

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