Environmental Policy
Policy Statement
Water Orton Parish Council recognises that it has many roles including:
- consumer of goods and services
- educator and opinion leader
- public watchdog
- provider of services
- landowner
- employer
Many of the decisions and actions of the Council affect the environment either directly or indirectly. In recognition of this, the Council will seek to promote the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and to minimise environmental pollution in all of its own activities and through its influence over others.
In all its activities the Parish Council will aim to:
- Minimise the consumption of all resources used in its operations, particularly in respect of the administration of its activities.
- Seek, wherever possible, to use only contractors and suppliers who have their own environmental policy, one which is continually reviewed, updated and measured against recognised, contemporary best practice examples.
Water Orton Parish Council will strive to:
- Meet all relevant environmental legislation and regulations.
- Regularly update and improve standards in light of increased understanding and knowledge.
- Recycle and reuse waste materials where possible.
- Dispose of all necessary waste through safe and responsible methods.
- Encourage the responsible use of energy.
- Respect and protect natural resources by practising conservation and good management.
- Encourage contractors and suppliers to minimise their impact on the environment.
- Encourage its Members and employees to take responsibility for ensuring that the best environmental policy is used and adhered to at all times.
- Purchase products and services which are energy environmentally benign and sustainable where these are available competitively in terms of quality and price.
- The Council will aim to minimise the environmental impact in the use of land, treatment of the land and any building projects upon the land. It will seek to conserve and improve both the natural and built environment as appropriate, and to carry out environmental improvements to all areas within its ownership and control. Such improvements, once achieved, will be monitored and promoted for maximum public enjoyment.
Approved by council: 25th March 2021 – min. ref: 431a
Last reviewed: 26th January 2023 – min. ref: 22/112a)ii
Next review due by: 27th July 2023