Meetings & Agendas2024-04-26T14:24:05+00:00

Meetings & Agendas

Parish Council Meetings 2024/25

All meetings to be held at 7:00pm at The Playing Field Pavilion, Openfield Croft

Forthcoming meeting dates

May – Thursday 30th. Annual Parish Meeting.

June – Thursday 27th.

July – Thursday 25th.

August – no meeting scheduled

September – Thursday 26th.

October – Thursday 31st.

November – Thursday 28th.

December – no meeting scheduled

January – Thursday 30th.

February – Thursday 27th.

March – Thursday 27th.

April – Thursday 24th,

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.

There is a public participation session of up to 15 minutes towards the start of the meeting, during this session a person may speak for up-to 3 minutes per person regarding matters on the agenda.

The agenda and associated papers will be published at least three clear days ahead of the meeting here.

The latest meeting minutes can be found here: Minutes 2023-24

Minutes for meetings held in 2022-23 can be found here: Meeting Minutes 2022-23

Parish Councillor Surgery 

Ahead of each monthly Parish Council meeting, there will be an opportunity to meet your local Parish Councillors and representatives from other organisations from 6:30 – 7:00 pm where you will be able to raise any issues you may have in the village outside of the formal meeting. The Parish Councillor surgeries will be held at The Playing Field Pavilion, Openfield Croft.

Contacting the Parish Council

For general enquires to the Parish Council please contact the Clerk. You are also able to raise local issues or concerns between meetings via your local Parish Councillor who may be able to request an item is placed upon the next agenda for a Council decision where appropriate.

The Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting

Each year between 1st March & 1st June a public meeting is held where parishioners are able to add items onto the agenda and participate throughout the entire meeting. If the Chair of the Parish Council is present they usually Chair the meeting.

The next Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting will be held at Water Orton Primary School on Saturday 18th May. Between 12-5 there will be opportunity to engage with community services and clubs and raise any matter you wish. A formal meeting will be held afterwards.

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