Water Orton Parish Council is excited to be able to offer the chance to two residents over the age of 18 to become a Councillor for the village.
The Parish Council is responsible for the upkeep of certain village facilities and to help deliver on improvements to the village, its residents and environment as set out in the Neighbourhood Plan.
The positions are voluntary but being a Parish Councillor provides a wonderful opportunity to enhance and develop both new and existing skills in the service of your community.
Apart from being incredibly rewarding there are plenty of chances to access professional training in a positive, progressive and supportive environment provided by the existing set of committed councillors.
There are presently three vacancies open for Co-Option.
Applications are invited by filling out the form at
https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/WOPCNov24/ or using this QR code before the closing time of Noon on Thursday 23rd January.
For an informal discussion about the role or to answer any queries you may have please contact Steve Stuart on 07999777345 or stevestuart@wopc.org.uk