In the chair: Councillor Coldrick

Present: Councillors Chown, Triplett, Robinson, Kelley, Lee, D Hodkinson, N Bevan, O’Meara

In attendance:

Daphne Robinson – Clerk

Cllr Coldrick welcomed the new councillors and there were introductions from all councillors.

  1. Election of Chairman

Cllr. Hodkinson PROPOSED Cllr. Coldrick to continue at chairman, this was SECONDED by Cllr. Triplett and it was RESOLVED that Cllr. Coldrick be elected Chairman for 2019/2020.

  1. Cllr. Coldrick signed the Chairman’s Declaration of Office.
  2. Apologies were received from:

BC & CC Reilley, BC Macdonald

  1. Declarations of Acceptance of Office were signed by all councillors and witnessed by the clerk
  1. Notices of Registable Interests from councillors were received. The clerk would send these to NWBC.
  2. Election of Vice Chairman

Cllr. Chown PROPOSED Cllr. Hodkinson as Vice Chairman, this was SECONDED by Cllr. Kelley and it was RESOLVED that Cllr Hodkinson be elected as Vice Chairman.

  1. It was agreed that due to the time restraints for the meeting the following items would be deferred to the next meeting:
  • Appoint members for the following committees and review the remit of and delegation of functions of committees: Finance, Maintenance and Personnel
  • To appoint representatives to sit on outside bodies
  • To agree to review council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
  1. To agree dates of meeting for the year.

The clerk suggested the council consider not having a meeting in August but to have one in December to avoid councillors being absent because of summer holidays. Cllrs decided they would prefer to leave the meeting dates as they were and to have a meeting in August but not in December. The clerk would update the dates of the meetings accordingly and have them posted on the parish council website. 

  1. To agree the appointment of Mr. Bill Robinson to carry out the internal audit on the accounts for the year ending 21st March 2019.

The clerk reported that Mr Robinson would be available to carry out the internal audit. She advised that she believed the cost would not exceed £300.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Hodkinson and SECONDED by Cllr. Keely and RESOLVED unanimously that Mr Bill Robinson be appointed as the Internal Auditor to carry out the audit for the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2019.

  1. Councillor Training

The clerk advised that now the elections were over and that the council had four newly appointed councillors this would be the ideal opportunity for a training day to be agreed. She said that she had provisionally booked June 22nd 2019 in the pavilion. The training would be for this council only. Cllr. Triplett said she would not be available that day but agreed to join the clerk at an alternative training session on 12th June at Nether Whitacre village hall. All other councillors agreed that they would be available. The clerk said she would confirm the booking and advise councillors of the start time.

  1. It was PROPOSED, SECONDED and unanimously RESOLVED to agree to make the following payments.
Payee Details Amount
Hyperbole Website posing £36.00
Chubb Emergency lighting system service £136.92
N Sm32480.84ith Cleaning Materials £3.50
D Robinson Postage Stamps £8.40
Salaries May £2480.84
D Robinson Allowance March/April/May £48.00
BHIB Insurance £4457.96
Vodafone Telephone £30.94
WO Bowls Club Heater Tubes £84.00