Present: Cllrs. Robinson (Chair), Bevan, B. O’Meara, C O’Meara, Hailstone, Chown &
Clerk – Daphne Robinson
CC & BC D avid Reilly 2 members of the public
268. Chairman’s Report
Cllr Robinson acknowledged the village volunteers who were litter picking around the village and he thanked them for their contribution in helping to keep the village tidy. He thanked the Water Orton in Bloom group for their continued support in keeping the planters watered. He reported that fly tipping in Plank Lane was still a problem. Cllr Robinson raised his concerns regarding the speed in which cars were travelling down Plank Lane and passed the school. He asked Cllr Reilly if more speed restrictions could be put into place. Cllr Reilly explained the criteria for extra measures to reduce speeding was three fatal or serious accidents to occur before any restrictions would be considered.
269. Apologies
BC J Macdonald
270. Declaration of interest and request for dispensation on items to be discussed.
271. Report from Police
The clerk explained that Warwickshire Police were not allowed to use police computers for Zoom meetings so were unable to be present. PC Bird had sent an update on resident’s concerns of burglaries in the village discussed at the previous meeting. PC Bird had looked through the entire system from 1st April 2020 and only two incidents had been classified as burglary and enquiries were still on going. The robbery which had taken place were four juveniles who had taken a bike and mobile phone from the victim. Officers were able to detain and arrest all four suspects for the offence. In addition, since 1st April 2020 there had been six incidents of vehicle crime. With regards to the number of young people gathering on the playing field, PC Bird acknowledge that several calls from residents had been made. He reported that the area was on his and the PCSO’s patrol list.
272. Public Forum
A resident reported that someone had seen persons using bolt croppers to take the chains and padlocks off the swings on the Green. The witness went approached them to challenge them but was met with abuse and aggression.
The clerk reported that there was no point in spending more money on chains and padlocks for them to be removed again. She said she had checked with the police to make sure the council were not breaking any laws by leaving the play equipment unlocked and was told they were not.
A resident referred to the speeding on Plank Lane and explained that there is a Community Speedwatch group in the village which had been put on hold due to the pandemic. She said she would mention the problem of Plank Lane to the co-ordinator once they were able to resume the speedwatch duties. A resident reported the fly tipping at the Ash path entrance and that the site was an absolute disgrace. Cllr Reilly explained that that area was under Birmingham City Council but would ask NWBC to go and remove the fly tipping. A rolled up mattress had been left on Plank Lane Cllr Reilly said he would contact NWBC and ask for it to be removed.
273. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 27th May 2020
It was Proposed by Cllr B O’Meara, Seconded by Cllr Bevan and Resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 27th May 2020.
274. Matters arising from the minutes
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
275. Receive reports from Borough and County Councillors
Cllr Reilly reported that there were concerns those residents who are vulnerable and have been shielding during the lockdown period may be left with no help due to the relaxation of regulations. He explained that these residents have benefitted from the voluntary service of the Water Orton Volunteer group and was looking at ways to continue offering support from August 2020 to March 2021. He said he would arrange a meeting with the volunteers to discuss this. Cllr Reilly explained there was a list of vulnerable residents in Water Orton but if anyone knew of others who may be vulnerable to either contact himself or the clerk know so that they can be added to the list.
Cllr Reilly reported that there had been a meeting held between Attleboro Lane residents and HS2. This was to discuss the line and construction of the compound and consider reassessing the compensation scheme due to the extension of the tunnel and the compound. The next meeting was scheduled for July.
Cllr Reilly said that councils are slowly merging back after the lockdown
276. To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr Bevan reported that a draft of the Neighbourhood Plan had been sent to councillors, the police and NWBC planning. A meeting had taken place with NWBC forward planning and members of the NP group to address their concerns. All concerns had now been addressed and the document would be on the parish council website by the end of June for residents to make their comments. The agreed deadline for the final document was still on track for Christmas this year.
277. To receive an update from the maintenance committee including the playground equipment.
As Cllr Chown he had given his report to the clerk. The clerk reported that the Annual Playground Inspection report had been received. A copy had been circulated to all councillors. Cllr Chown inspected/cross checked the equipment against the report. He said he had already highlighted many on the issues on his monthly inspection prior to the lockdown. The clerk and Cllr Chown agreed to meet Greyhound Leisure on site in the next couple of weeks to discuss the repairs which needed to be carried out.
Cllr Robinson reported he and Cllr Bevan had inspected the bus shelters in the village. Cllr Robinson would prepare a report for the next meeting.
Cllrs Robinson and Chown had met to discuss the large dip in the football pitch on the playing field. A contractor would be contacted for a quote for filling in the dip with soil and reseeded. This work would be carried out before the start of the football league matches in September/October.
Cllr Robinson reported that the maintenance committee had met to discuss the quotes for the installation of railings around the pavilion car park and decorating the pavilion. The railings contract had been awarded to Park Lane Fencing with a quote of £2430.00. The decorating contract for painting the main hall, porch and kitchen had been awarded to Platinum Interior Decorating with a quote of £1140.00.
To discuss the replacement of the boiler for the pavilion
Cllr Robinson said the maintenance committee had considered replacing the
boiler for one which was more efficient and cost effective. There
were discussions over whether gas should be installed, change to a
Green Electric Boiler or a system with solar panels. It was agreed the
clerk would obtain quotes for the installation of gas and prices for
a boiler.
To consider the installation of broadband in the pavilion
Cllr Robinson explained having broadband in the pavilion would offer many benefits not only to the council, but also offer an extra facility when renting the pavilion. It was Proposed by Cllr Bevan, Seconded by Cllr B. O’Meara and Resolved to obtain quotes for the installation of Broadband in the pavilion.
To consider extending the closure of the Pavilion
The clerk reported that due to the pandemic, the finance committee have written off any income for the hire of the pavilion for the rest of the financial year. With the uncertainty of how many hirers may return in September it was suggested that the council take the decision to close the pavilion until April 2021. This would allow for any refurbishment and maintenance to be carried out without any time limits. Relaunching the opening in April after all the work is completed and making sure all necessary guidelines at the time are being followed, would hopefully give confidence to potential hirers that the pavilion is Covid – 19 free.
It was Proposed by Cllr B. O’Meara, Seconded by Cllr Rees and Resolved to extend the closure of the pavilion until April 2021.
To consider the repair costs for the tractor and if it will need to be replaced
next year.
The clerk reported that the cost of a full service and various repairs required for the tractor were £1672.06. She had received a price for a second hand tractor of £14,000.00. This includes part exchange for the council tractor in its current condition, mower and trailer. After some discussion it was decided to have the repairs done. The finance and maintenance committees would meet to discuss the need and costs involved in purchasing a new tractor next year.
278. Update report on HS2
Cllr Robinson reported that the Special Management Zone (SMZ) continue to question contractors on aspects of their work e.g. hedgerow work. He said that HS2 take on board comments from SMZ and accept how much of an impact the viaduct will have on the village. John Warren has continued to ensure that there will be a bund which HS2 claim is still in place. Cllr Robinson explained that now the nesting season was coming to an end, work on hedgerow clearing would increase. The SMZ had been given assurances that the tree line on Gypsy Lane would be protected, felling of any trees would only be carried out if absolutely necessary and the SMZ would be advised. Cllr Robinson advised that the HS2 Help desk was available but if residents had concerns relating to HS2 they could contact himself or John Warren who would feed any comment through to HS2. HS2 were hoping to restart face to face meetings as soon as the relaxation of lockdown allowed.
279. To consider if any action needs to be taken to safe guard the public rights of way in the village.
It was agreed that the council should subscribe to Parish Online as this system would address this issue.
280. To retrospectively approve the meeting dates of the parish council for 2020/21
It was Proposed by Cllr B O’Meara, Seconded by Cllr Rees and Resolved to retrospectively approve the dates of the meetings of the parish council for 2020/21.
29th July 26th August 30th September 28th October
25th November
2021 6th January 27th January 24th February
31st March 28th April
26th May – Annual Parish Council Meeting
281. Financial Matters
a. To approve electronic and future payment of invoices
It was Proposed by Cllr B O’Meara, Seconded by Cllr Bevan and Resolved to approve the payment of invoices
b. To discuss the rent for the next quarter for the Bowls and Tennis Clubs
The finance committee made the following recommendations:
The Bowls Club had no league games, which generated a high percentage of their income, for the season, therefore the rent for the Bowls Club should be suspended for the remainder of the financial year.
The Tennis club had been able to open both courts which were fully booked. Therefore, the Tennis Club invoices should be resumed from 1st July 2020.
It was Proposed by Cllr Robinson, Seconded by Cllr Bevan and Resolved to suspend the rent for the Bowls club for the remainder of the financial year and resume the Tennis Club invoicing from 1st July 2020.
c. To discuss the Chubb invoice for the Bowls Club.
It was agreed that in light of the decision taken in item 281b, the Parish Council would pay the Chubb bill.
282. Correspondence
There was no correspondence to report
283. Items for next agenda
Councillors will advise the clerk
284. To exclude the public and press
It was proposed, seconded and approved to exclude the public and press for the following items.
To consider the options concerning obtaining land in the village.
The meeting closed at 9.40pm