Cllrs Robinson (Chairman), Rees, Bevan, B O’Meara, C O’Meara, Chown, Freeman
Cllr Hailstone was asked to take the minutes in the absence of the Clerk.
2 members of the public
Public Forum
A resident asked if it was known what Beaver Metals are burning to cause red/orange smoke that can be seen opposite the site and along the riverside. Is the smoke toxic? Assurance was given that Beaver Metals had stated that the smoke is non-toxic.
Suggestion made that contact should be made by the resident to the Environment Agency at Atherstone and/or David Reilly.
The clerk was asked to contact Beaver Metals for their comments on this smoke, further to a complaint made to the Council from a resident.
The same resident voiced concerns about Gilson Road and the parking on the bend. He felt that it was an accident waiting to happen. The resident was advised to contact Coleshill Parish Council as that road is not in our area.
A second resident remarked on the lack of people attending the meeting. The meetings need to be advertised more i.e. on the Parish Council notice board at the library. This meeting had not appeared on the website. Could the future meetings, in full, be posted on the website and in the noticeboards?
22.24 Chairman’s Report
Cllr Robinson explained that he had been away and therefore did not have a lot to comment on. However, he was pleased to hear that the Platinum Jubilee Event held on the playing field had gone very well, with a brilliant attendance of people enjoying the afternoon. Congratulations to the new Carnival Committee for arranging the event.
22.25 Apologies for absence and reasons given
Parish Clerk – Daphne Robinson – on sick leave; Cllr Smith– away on business;
Borough Councillors Reilly (holiday) and Hayes (Macdonald) – Honeymoon; County Councillor M Watson; HS2 – Cameron Cashmore; Police – Mike Redman
22.26 Declaration of interests and requests for dispensation items to be discussed.
No declarations had been received.
22.27 Report from the Police
No police representation at the meeting. Report received by email.
“PC Shane Bird had not left the area and has been replaced by PC Mike Redman. PC Redman is from Atherstone Safer Neighbourhood Team and is experienced in the role of SNT Police officer. He is a very proactive officer and will be a great addition to the team.
Parking on the zigzags at the shops on Birmingham Road as still an issue. PCSO Smith has spoken to the traffic wardens regarding coverage of this area and her sergeant has also emailed their management about the issues the police is facing. PCSO Smith will be visiting the take away shops to ask them if they can remind delivery drivers to park responsibly. the council/highways to see if there are any signs that can be put up to remind people that they can park in the village car park free for 2 hours. Patrols will be contacted contact patrols but the team is very small at the moment.
Off road bikes are still causing issues. Patrols have been conducted when possible, the off-road bike team will also be out at some point as well. PC Redman and PCSO Beale are both on the off-road bike team so they will be able to go out on patrols together. PCSO Smith will chase up the council to see when the barrier will be installed in Park Grove.
Speeding on the Birmingham Road towards Castle Bromwich. I have contacted Judith Cleaver, the Community Speed Watch coordinator for the village. A speed watch operation will be carried out soon. More volunteers for the village speed watch team are required.
There were two vehicles stolen from a drive on 20/06, around 03.30 and a bike stolen from an address on 21/06 between 21.00 and 05.25. This will be monitored with the patrol officers and if there are further vehicle thefts this will be raised with the PCSO’s line manager so that a briefing and tasking can be added to the system so patrol officers can monitor this on a daily basis.
There was a white van (no further details) acting suspiciously on Plank Lane 24/06 at 02.25hrs. Patrol officers will be asked to look out for this vehicle on night patrols.
22.28 To receive an update from HS2.
There was no representation from HS2 to give an update. There have been 2 presentations given, 1 at Water Orton Cricket Club and 1 at Coleshill Town Hall, regarding viaduct works at Chattle Hill.
22.29 To approve the minutes of the meetings – a) Annual Parish Council Meeting 12.5.2022 and b) Parish Council Meeting 12.5.2022.
Proposed by Cllr Freeman; Seconded by Cllr Bevan and received unanimously to approve the minutes as a true record. NB Cllr Belinda O’Meara did not vote as she was not at the meetings.
22.30 Clerk’s Report
No report given due to absence of Parish Clerk.
22.31 To receive an update from Borough and County Councillors
No report given due to absence of these Councillors.
22.32 To agree dates for meetings with the following committees:
Finance Committee; Maintenance Committee; HR Committee; Platinum Project Working Group.
Finance Committee – Cllr Freeman requested as soon as possible re purchase of van.
Research needed to provide choices. Cllr Freeman to add to research made by Parish Clerk. Meeting to be set when details are made available.
Cllr Bevan requested dates to be set for discussion of the Budget. 6th October 2022, 6.30pm and 24th November 2022, 6.30pm.
Platinum Project – Further funding needs to be sourced. HS2 not suitable. Sport England “comments made elsewhere that Water Orton is not in a deprived area” so not worth applying. Comments made that a discussion with Water Orton School would be sensible, as both applying for funding for similar projects. Not worth applying to the same places.
For Parish Council it may be worth looking at taking out a public works loan instead.
Cllr Bevan requested a meeting – date discussed; 1st September 2022 6.30pm
Suggestion made to research equipment companies in the UK to lessen transport costs. Budget for the project is needed.
Possible grant application could be made to cover equipment regarding disabled use.
Maintenance/HR Committees – Meetings to be arranged on an “as and when” basis.
22.33 To receive an update from the maintenance committee including the playground equipment.
Cllr Chown had made his monthly inspection. Repairs expected in August.
Cllr Chown asked if the new playground equipment could be replaced one item at a time, with swings being the first item to be replaced.
Some painting of equipment has been completed.
Goal post fixings – Sockets are being dealt with. Also planning on fixing mesh area will need to be made as pre made fixings are not made in the correct size. Until fixed the broken piece should be removed for safety reasons.
Cllr Robinson informed the meeting that a new mower had to be purchased. The Groundsmen had taken the previous mower to be fixed and it was reported to be in a dangerous condition. As the cost was under £600, the Clerk was able to purchase a new mower with acknowledgement from the Chairman.
Clerk to check with NWBC why the dog bin on Coleshill Road has been taped up.
22.34 Financial Matters
a) To approve electronic and future invoice payments.
Cllr Freeman queried why 2 items from Croner. Invoices were checked 1= 29.5.22; 2 = 29.6.22
Discussion needs to take place as to whether we need to use Croner on a regular basis or only when needed. Place on next Agenda.
Query made re Insurance cost – increased because of Bowls Club pavilion discovery that building is made of wood. Query, is there another Company relevant to Parish Councils, for insurance purposes?
a) Proposed by Cllr Freeman, Seconded by Cllr C O’Meara
22.35 Planning application – PAP/2022/0275 – 9 Park Grove – Beauty Room and living space No objections were raised.
22.36 To receive comments on proposed extension of the Conservation Area
Cllr Robinson had been to the meeting and felt that there were some good ideas. Comments to make – Conservation area should include the Old School building, leading on to the Victorian Terrace houses on Vicarage Lane, Plank Lane and The Green. Also needs to protect ancient hedgerows.
Clerk to complete the on-line form with these suggestions on behalf of the Parish Council
22.37 To receive comments on the Planning Appeals by HS2 regarding the Borrow Pits Explanation – HS2 bypassed local authority but received no comments back. Went on to appeal to Warwickshire County Council who had no knowledge of borrow pits.
Cllr Freeman asked if we knew the ecological effects of borrow pits. She felt these need to be managed effectively. Can we get further information from HS2 regarding putting the land back to normal when finished, plus assurance and an undertaking from HS2 regarding none use of chemicals. Cllr Robinson will check with the SMZ group.
Suggest that HS2 are contacted for information re methods of use and whether another presentation could be had to explain how the borrow pits are used. Cllr Bevan suggested he draft a letter to send out to Hs2 to this affect and email to all Councillors for consideration.
22.38 To discuss and approve purchase of a small van
To agree the specification, maximum spend and elect councillors to source a small van for the caretakers/groundsmen to use for council duties.
Cllr Robinson informed the meeting of an email from Danny Burley and Kray Dewsbery (caretakers) regarding the use of their own transport for work purposes. As there is no formal agreement with the caretakers to use their own vehicles, they feel that they need to stop this as their own cars are not suitable for this use. This means that the purchase of a small van is extremely urgent.
Cllr Robinson provided the meeting with details of requirements needed for a small van. Parish Clerk had emailed photographs of a proposed vehicle.
Cllr Freeman wanted to know further details i.e. Payload quantity; what items will be carried, petrol or diesel.
700cwt payload was agreed. Vehicle to carry water containers and equipment (mower and/or strimmer plus any tools). Petrol or diesel vehicle – all things being equal, a petrol driven vehicle was agreed on.
Cllr Robinson suggested researching websites for 3 suitable vans, up to a value of £3,500 and then using “Parkers”, a website that researches potential problems i.e. taxed, MOT’s, etc. Cllr Freeman volunteered to do this research, and to bring the said vehicles to a Finance meeting for discussion, with any vehicles, and for the committee to approve.
It was felt that this needs to be a priority as the caretakers will find it difficult to work round the village without transport.
Quotes for insurance need to be sourced. Priorities – for use by Parish Council, named drivers; parked on site, in compound.
22.39 To approve the amendments to update Standing Orders
a) Standard Order 18 – as notified by NALC, to bring it in line with the procurement position post Brexit.
Proposed by Cllr C O’Meara Seconded by Cllr Freeman
22.40 To consider the request from the Bowls Club to install 2 x floodlights on the bowling green.
Cllr Chown explained that the floodlights would only be needed for a small amount of time in the evening, when games are still going on. Lights would be turned down to face the green. No planning permission is required. There were no objections to this request.
22.41 To discuss the complaint received from a resident in Coleshill Road, regarding the noise from the pavilion when the bands are practising.
The bands practice on a Saturday/Sunday morning for up to 3 hours, usually from 9.00am. The evening practice session was a one off and will not be repeated. Suggestion made for noise levels to be officially monitored by the resident. The hire of the pavilion for this purpose brings in much needed funds for the Council.
Clerk to reply to resident – with apologies and explanation re the one-off practice session. Suggest possible monitoring of noise level.
22.42 Exclusion of Public and Press – That under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
Councillors to receive an update on the meeting held with the Clerk.
Discussions took place.