You are invited to the Meeting of the Parish Council to be held at the Pavilion, Openfield Croft on Thursday 29th September 6.30pm for the transaction of the following council business.  Up to fifteen minutes will be set aside for members of the public to ask questions or put their views to the council. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes.

The official meeting will start at 6.45 pm or at the conclusion of the public forum, whichever is sooner.

Signature   D J Robinson            Clerk to the Council                            Date: 23.09.22


22.47   Chairman’s remarks                                                                                      

22.48   Apologies for absence and reasons given                                                    

22.49   Declaration of interests and requests for dispensation on items to be discussed.
To receive declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s) as per written requests received by the Proper Officer to councillors un section 22 of the Act.

22.50  Report from Police                                                                                        

22.51   To approve the minutes of the following meetings:                                   

a) Parish Council meeting 30th June 2022
b) Extraordinary meeting 12th July 2022

22.52   To receive reports from Borough and County Councillors           

22.53   To receive an update from the maintenance committee including the Playground equipment.                                                        

22.54   Financial Matters                                                                                          

a) To approve electronic and future invoice payments

22.55   To receive an update on the refurbishment of the bowls club toilets          

22.56   To consider the leaflet produced by Cllr Stuart                                           

22.57   Exclusion of Public and Press – That under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

To discuss staffing matters

Item 22.54 a

Payee Payment Type Invoice no. Details Total
Hyperbole BACS 1376 Website work – June £78.00
D Burley BACS V422 Ground maintenance £14.00
NWBC BACS 6001838 Ground Maintenance April – June £2901.02
BT DD M015 VW Broadband – July £33.85
Opus Energy DD 72638521 Electricity for pavilion – July £45.07
Water Plus DD 6427538 Water for pavilion – June £11.14
Croner DD 557401 HR – July £146.89
Greyhound Leisure BACS 4736 Play equipment maintenance £971.52
D Burley BACS V433 Ground maintenance £46.28
Open Space Society BACE V426 Subscription £45.00
Salaries BACS V427/8/9/30 Salaries for July 2022 £2376.16
HMRC BACS V431 PAYE & NIC £226.76
Swinton Van Insurance BACS V427 Van Insurance £461.82
NEST DD V432 Pension – July £43.07
Croner DD 564403 HR – August £146.89
Vodafone BACS 559252311 Telephone – July £20.59
D Robinson BACS V425 Exp working from home April-June £72.00
JMC Sutton BACS V424 Van purchase incl. road tax £5290.00
Happy Days Automotive BACS 1001406 MOT repairs £713.01
D Robinson BACS V425 Mileage expenses £12.15
Water Plus DD 6588129 Water for pavilion -July £10.78
Orchard Nurseries BACS V437/48 Plants for memorial site £16.00
D Burley BACS V434 Ground Maintenance £9.50
K Dewsbery BACS V435 Ground Maintenance £4.50
BT DD M016 ZI Broadband – August £33.85
Hyperbole BACS 1384 Website work – July £48.00
Swinton BACS V436 Additional Premium £55.92
WALC BACS 22378 – 84 Cllr training £216.00
Opus Energy DD 727772637 Electric for pavilion £44.24
Vodafone BACS 58621 Telephone £18.58
Jungle Ltd BACS 207159 Office supplies £53.90
D Burley BACS V438 Ground maintenance £68.99
Amazon BACS GB254 Office supplies £10.18
Salaries BACS V439/40/1/2 Salaries for August £2363.91
HMRC BACS V443 PAYE & NIC £219.93
NEST DD V444 Pension £41.68
Fleet BACS 1219979 Pitch marker paint £326.88
Net World Sports BACS Goal post sockets £281.43
 D Robinson – Zoom BACS 79185 Zoom account £14.39
K Dewsbery BACS V446 Ground maintenance supplies £51.40
Midland Post Group BACS 8253 Coleshill Post £120.00
D Burley BACS V445 Cleaning supplies £3.49
Water Plus DD 6736867 Water £11.14
Croner DD 323138 HR Consultation Fee £240.00
D Burley BACS V447 Pavilion & Van expenses £66.73
PKF Littlejohn BACS 9017 External Audit fee £480.00
Jerroms BACS 74963 Payroll June – August £180.00
NWBC BACS 722389 Rent arrears for garage £91.00
Water Orton PCC BACS 123740 Repairs to church clock £180.00
Croner DD 582793 HR Service £146.89
Hyperbole BACS 1389 Website work £72.00
BT DD MO17 Broadband £33.85
Zoom BACS 50203 Zoom service September £14.39
J K Cleaning BACS 212585 Black sacks/ High Vis for caretakers £136.08
Opus Energy DD 72909317 Electricity August – Sept £36.92
Vodafone BACS 93734 Telephone – September £32.62
Whitehouse Electrical BACS 1115 Pat testing for Pavilion & Bowls Club £85.00
Salaries BACS V448/9/50/51 Salaries – Sept £2363.91
HMRC BACS V452 PAYE & NIC £219.93
NEST DD V453 Pension £41.68