Notice of full Council Meeting. Documents are available to view and download via the link at top of notice
Meeting Documents Full Council 28th September 2023 (zip file)
To be held at the Pavilion, Openfield Croft, at 7:00pm on Thursday 28th September 2023
Members of the public and the press are welcome to attend.
21st September 2023
Dear Councillor,
You are summoned to attend a meeting of Water Orton Parish Council to be held at the Pavilion, Openfield Croft at 7:00pm on Thursday 28th September 2023 at which the following business will be transacted. Any Councillor unable to attend should forward their apologies either to the Clerk or the Chairman.
If you have any queries regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk.
Rachel Scully
Parish Clerk
- Apologies: To receive and approve reasons for absence
- Reports from Chairman (for information only):
- Public participation: The meeting to adjourn for up to 15 minutes (maximum of 3 minutes per speaker) to allow for public participation. Residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this agenda or raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chairman. Members of the public wishing to raise issues which are not on the agenda should notify the Clerk, members of the Public may not take part in the Council Meeting itself. You are requested to send your comments to the Clerk by midday on the day of the meeting. a) Members of the Public & Press b) Reports from County and District Councillors (for information only) if present: c) Report from Police representative (for information only) if present:
- Declarations of Interest and dispensations: To receive Declarations of Interests and consider grant of dispensations of which written notice has been received by the Clerk.
- Minutes: To approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on 27th July 2023. (APPENDIX 1) To approve the minutes for Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on 31st August 2023. (APPENDIX 2)
- Reports from Parish Councillors: To receive a written report into the footpath alongside Christopher Way from Cllr Stuart. (APPENDIX 3) To receive a written report following the SMZ meeting in September. (APPENDIX 4)
- Clerk Report: To note the Clerk report (APPENDIX 5)
- Correspondence: a) Received the costs relating to Christmas lights. (APPENDIX 6) b) Increase of Electric Vehicle chargers locations around the region asking for Parish Councils to share locations. (APPENDIX 7) c) D-Day 80, 06 June 2024, lighting of 80 beacons, involvement of Parish Councils. (APPENDIX 8)
- Remembrance Day: Cllr Brown, Remembrance Day parade and laying of wreaths, is Water Orton Parish Council involved in Remembrance Day event, should the Parish Council be involved in such an event now and on a regular basis in the future.
- Allotments: The provision of a water supply and green bin to the allotments and to review the rental agreement. (APPENDIX 9)
- Planning: To consider new application/s
Reference | Address | Details | WOPC Comments |
PAP/2022/0522 | Land adjacent to Dog Inn
Marsh Lane Water Orton (Grid ref: Easting 417708.29, Northing 291269.18) |
Notification of Amended Plans/Description
The changes are: Plot 7-Chimney and gable roof feature added Plot 9- Garage relocated to western side 2 no. additional trees added to the front of property adjacent to drive 1 no. additional tree and area of planting Added to turning area in front of plot 9 Hedge to easter boundary of plot 9 extended to full length
Comments were due before 24/09/2023. Email sent to Ian Griffin, at North Warwickshire, advising that WOPC will submit comments after the full council meeting held on 28/09/23. Emailed in response received 14/09/2023 from Ian Griffin noting that the Parish Council have already considered the proposal twice at meetings and also before the application was submitted. He is ok with comments after 28/9, but it must be noted they may not make onto a Board report, as they are due to take it to the October 9th meeting, so will have to be reported later.
PAP/2023/0369 | 30 Overton Drive
Water Orton B46 1QL (Grid Ref: 418185, Northing 291052.44) |
Erection of orangery | Expires before the end of the working day on 08/10/23 |
- To report decisions on previous planning applications made by NWBC (for information only)
Reference | Address | Details | WOPC Comments | NWBC Decision |
PAP/2023/0292 | 3, Digby Crescent, Water Orton, B46 1NP | Double storey extension to side of dwelling and single to rear, with porch to front | None | Granted |
12. Maintenance: To receive the monthly play inspection report from Cllr Chown
13. Finance:
a) To approve the payment schedule for August and September and items paid under delegated authority since the previous schedule. (APPENDIX 10)-payment Schedule to follow.
b) To approve the 2023-24 Accounts and Bank Reconciliation to 20th September 2023. (APPENDIX 10a)
c) To approve cost in the sum of £504, of Signed External Auditor Report for Audit Report and Certificate 2022/2023. (APPENDIX 10b,10c and 10d)
17. To set a time, date & place for a Finance Sub-Committee meeting
18. Policies:
a) To consider adoption of Outdoor Hire Agreement and Associated Procedures (via maintenance sub-committee).
b) To consider fees for October Hire for 2023-2024 (via Finance sub-committee).
c) To review policies with review date for July, (from Document Review Tracker). (APPENDIX 11)
d) To review the Risk Management Assessment for Clerk Handover/Loss of Clerk. (APPENDIX 12)
19. Items for the next meeting/s: For discussion
20. Date, Time and Place of the next Parish Council Meeting: To confirm the next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Thursday 26th October 2023 at 7pm at The Playing Field Pavilion, Openfield Croft.
21. Closed Session: To consider moving into a closed session and exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.