You are hereby invited to the Zoom Meeting of the Parish Council on Wednesday 29th July 2020 at 7.30pm when the following issues will be considered. Public & Press welcome.
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Signature: D J Robinson Clerk to the Council Date 24.07.2020
Chairman’s Remarks
Apologies for absence and reasons given Declaration of interests and requests for dispensation on items to be discussed.
Report from Police
Public Forum
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 24th June 2020
Matters arising from the minutes
To receive reports from Borough and County Councillors
To receive an update from the HR Committee
To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan
To receive an update from the maintenance committee including the Playground equipment
a. To consider the suggestion by a resident to lay a tarmac path on the playing field along the hedgerow of Vicarage Lane
Update report on HS2
To discuss the problem of fly tipping in the village and surrounding areas
Financial Matters
a. To approve electronic and future payment of invoices
b. To arrange a meeting to review the council’s priorities for spending for 2021/22
c. To receive a report on the cost of purchasing and emptying dog bins
d. To consider the council supply pooh bags
Items for next agenda
Correspondence To exclude the public & press Exclusion of Public and Press– That under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
a. To receive an update on the options concerning obtaining land in the village
b. To receive an update on the options regarding the council’s building ass
List of payments
Payee | Payment Type | Invoice no. | Details | Total |
W J Robinson | BACS | WOPC003 | Internal Audit | £182.99 |
Chubb | BACS | 8193671 | Fire Ext. Annual Charge WOBC | £132.48 |
NWBC | BACS | 5841684 | Additional Charge waste collection | £25.42 |
Nigel Smith | BACS | V158 | Maintenance expense | £7.72 |
Midland Post Group | BACS | 7125 | Coleshill Post article | £250.00 |
Paul Bellis | BACS | V164 | Fuel for tractor | £30.00 |
Croner | BACS | 270063 | HR Contract | £146.89 |
Neil Bevan – Zoom | BACS | 30451380 | Zoom subscription | £14.39 |
Hughie Willett | BACS | 286577 | Tractor service & repairs | £1672.06 |
Geoxphere | BACS | 44UB0320002 | Parish Online Subscription | £226.80 |
D Robinson – Ebay | BACS | V166 | Disposable face masks | £117.90 |
JK Cleaning Supplies | BACS | 194582 | Cleaning materials | £422.61 |
JK Cleaning Supplies | BACS | 194583 | PPE | £57.45 |
D Robinson | BACS | V165/167/168 | Stationery | £67.86 |
D Robinson HM LR | BACS | V167 | Land registry search fee | £12.00 |
D Robinson Plusnet | BACS | V168 | Broadband | £21.60 |
D Robinson Vodafone | BACS | 445994815 | Mobile Phone | £27.49 |
Salaries | BACS | V169 | Salaries July 2020 | £2682.73 |
HMRC | BACS | V170 | PAYE & NIC | £286.44 |
Opus | DD | 68785511 | Pavilion Electricity | £101.51 |
NEST | DD | V171 | Pension | £39.76 |
Laser Tech UK | BACS | 61828 | Tripod for Speedwatch group | £433.18 |
NWBC | DD | Garage Rent | £34.00 |