
Cllrs Robinson (Chairman), Rees, Bevan, Hailstone, C O’Meara, Smith, Chown, Freeman
Clerk – D Robinson
County Cllr. M Watson, PC Bird
6 members of the public

Public Forum

A resident reported that there were problems with off road bikers riding over the lawns of the apartments at Ludgate Close.  A resident raised concerns of dog fouling left on the pavement by the school.  Mr Stuart from Water Orton school said that the school was available for use for large meetings should the need arise.

22.10   Chairman’s remarks

Cllr Robinson commented on how good the Green looked having been mowed and that it was good to see, not just the children on the play equipment, but also people of all ages using the area for leisure.

22.11   Apologies for absence and reasons given

Cllr B O’Meara – currently in hospital
Borough Cllr Macdonald

22.12   Declaration of interests and requests for dispensation on items to be discussed.

No declarations had been received

22.13   Report from the Police

PC Bird gave an update on incidents which had taken place:

1 burglary and 1 attempted burglary.  A theft from a motor vehicle and the tampering of a vehicle which had occurred over 2 nights.

1 incident at the old school site.  Attempt to remove number plates from a vehicle.

PC Bird explained that vehicle crime had increased not only in Water Orton, but also in surrounding villages.  He said that there were more patrols being carried out in the area. He accepted that off road bikers were still causing problems and asked for residents to report any incidents they may witness involving the off roaders.

22.14   To receive an update from Hs2

There was no representation from Hs2 to give an update

22.15   To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 28th April 2022

Proposed by Cllr Hailstone, Seconded by Cllr C O’Meara and resolved unanimously to approve the minutes as a true record.  The chairman signed the minutes.

22.16   Clerk’s Report

Priority repairs on the play equipment on the Green had been booked.

Notification from NALC on the update of Standing Order 18 to bring it in line with the procurement position post-Brexit.

22.17   To receive an update from Borough and County Councillors

Cllr Watson reported that he hoped to have a contact at WCC to discuss the old   school site very soon.  Highways have a back log of work and are working through the list.  He was unable to give a date as to when the installation of the guardrails opposite the shops would be carried out but was still pushing to get the work done.  This also applied to the dropped kerbs to be installed along Vicarage Lane.  He advised that 17 Ukrainian families would shortly be living in his ward.  Cllr Watson reported that the community grant funds were now available

22.18   To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan

It was reported that ballot cards for the referendum had now been sent to all electorates.  Voting takes place on Thursday 19th May 2022 at the Methodist Church.

22.19   To receive an update from the maintenance committee including the Playground Equipment.

Cllr Chown had carried out his monthly inspection and there were no new issues to report.  Cllr Robinson advised that the sockets for the goal posts were being repaired.  A quote would be sent for repairing the panels on the kick ball equipment by the tennis court.

22.20   Financial Matters

a) Proposed by Cllr Freeman, Seconded by Cllr Hailstone and resolved to approve the electronic and future payments listed. The chairman signed the invoices.

b) Proposed by Cllr Freeman, Seconded by Cllr Smith and resolved to approve Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement 2021/22. This was signed by the chairman and the clerk.

c) Proposed by Cllr Hailstone, Seconded by Cllr Freeman and resolved to approve Section 2 of the Accounting Statement 2021/22. This was signed by the chairman

d) Proposed by Cllr Smith, Seconded by Cllr C O’Meara and resolved to award the back pay to the clerk for expenses for working from home, which was increased by HMRC in 2020 from £4 to £6 per week.

22.21   Planning application – PAP/2022/0191 – 46 Birmingham Road.

No objections were raised.

22.22   To consider selling the tractor and attachments and purchase a small van for the caretakers to use.

The clerk explained that the tractor was not fit for purpose and both caretakers were using their own vehicles to carry out their duties round the village.

The clerk had circulated a breakdown of costs for the tractor including insurance and rent for the garage.  She advised that Hughie Willett had offered £3500 for the tractor and the attachments, this would help towards the cost of purchasing a small van. It was proposed by Cllr C O’Meara, Seconded by Cllr Rees and resolved to sell the tractor and attachments for £3500 to Hughie Willett and for the clerk to research the cost of a small van.

22.23   Proposed by Cllr Hailstone, Seconded by Cllr Freeman and resolved not to approach WCC to offer to help towards the cost of keeping the street lighting on during the night.