(Appendix 01)-Draft Minutes.30.05.2024.1
(Appendix 02)-Draft Minutes.24.06.2024.1
(Appendix 03)-Clerk’s Report.1
(Appendix 05)-Email-Highways-Proposed Footpath Extension-Vicarage Lane.1
(Appendix 05a)- Proposed Footpath Extension-Vicarage Lane
(Appendix 05b)-Proposed Footpath Extension-Vicarage Lane
(Appendix 06)-Agenda Item Reporting Sheet- Integrated Care System.1
(Appendix 08) – Email received from Turnock Ltd-13.06.2024-Christmas Lights.1
(Appendix 09)-Refusal of MOT Certificate
(Appendix 9a)-BMC Garage-Van Costs
(Appendix 10 ) Payment Schedule-23.05.2024-19.06.2024
(Appendix 10a)-Payment List-23.05.24-19.06.2024
(Appendix 11)-Summary of Receipts and Payments. 23.05.2024 to 19.06.2024
(Appendix 12) -Agenda Item Reporting Sheet-Spud Club.1
(Appendix 12a)-HSF5023 Water Orton Parish Council Household Support Fund Application_